NetScaler VPX - Initial Configuration
If you haven’t already read my Installing NetScaler VPX on Client Hyper-V (Windows 10) post, start there and come back here when you’re good to go.
What I have done since that post is:
- I have downloaded an updated version of the NetScaler 11.1, 10.5 was used in that post
- I have repeated the steps in that post for a second NetScaler so I can configure a HA pair
Initial Configuration
Initially you will want to configure the following:
- At least one Subnet IP Address (SNIP)
- The Hostname and DNS Server/s
- Install the license
- Configure NTP
- Change the NSROOT password and optionally add another user to administer the device with
The Welcome wizard makes many of these steps a little easier, I will use the wizard for the steps below but also show you where the configuration is saved by the wizard.
Add a SNIP
1. Click the Subnet IP Address option in the wizard
2. Enter in a SNIP mask combination and click Done
You can check it out later, the above information is saved in System –> Network –> IPs –> IPV4s (shown below)
Configure the Hostname, DNS Servers and Time Zone
1. Click The Host Name, DNS IP Address, and Time Zone step in the wizard
2. Enter a hostname for the NetScaler, Enter at least one DNS Server, select the Time Zone and click Done
3. You will likely be asked to reboot, go ahead and do that
You can check it out later, the Time Zone is saved in System –> Settings (Shown below)
The DNS Server/s are saved in Traffic Management –> DNS -> Name Servers (Shown below)
The Hostname can be changed at any time by re-entering the welcome wizard or by using the CLI
To quickly view the Hostname, click your username in the top right
License the NetScaler
1. Click the Licenses step in the wizard
2. You have a few options for adding a license. I’m going to use a License Access Code
3. No matter how you add the licenses, you will need to reboot after adding them, so go ahead and do that
4. After restarting, you will be told what you have been licensed for, and the wizard should disappear
Returning to the Wizard
If you want to return to the wizard at any time, select the “Cog” in the top right corner of the menu
Configure NTP
It’s important for your NetScaler to have a reliable time source, so it’s best to configure an NTP server
1. Select Configuration in the top menu
2. Select System and then NTP Servers in the left menu
3. Click Add
4. Enter an NTP server address and click Create
5. Repeat the process for any additional NTP Servers
You may need to enable NTP synchronisation, to do this follow the steps below:
6. Click the Select Action drop down menu
7. Select NTP Synchronisation
8. Select ENABLED and click OK
9. Save your configuration by clicking the Save Configuration icon in the top right
Change the default password
1. Click Configuration in the top menu
2. In the left menu, select System –> User Administration –> Users
3. Select the checkbox next to the nsroot user and click Change Password
IMPORTANT: The nsroot passwords on a HA pair of NetScaler devices must match
You now have a One-Arm NetScaler deployment. In the next post, we will configure High Availability