70-247 Series: Part 10

Installing Service Manager We're going to be looking at the following deployment, with one minor difference, we will be using a dedicated SQL Server Cluster for the deployment. clip_image001[8] This deployment is ideal for most organisations, providing high-availability and scalability for up to 2000 users/computers. Now, I hope you have blocked out a few hours (days?) for this install. Service Manager is the most difficult of all the System Center components to deploy if you are intending to deploy it with full high-availability. I'm not going to take any shortcuts here. If you want to get a taste for what you are in for, take a moment to scroll to the bottom of this post. Then take a deep breath and let's get started. The deployment includes:
  • 2 x Service Manager Management Servers
  • 1 x Data Warehouse Management Server
  • 2 x SharePoint Servers (for self-service portal)
  • 2 x Clustered SQL Servers
Create up to 4 Clustered SQL Instances
  • 1 for the Service Manager online database
  • 1 for the data warehouse databases
  • 1 for the SQL Server Reporting Services database
  • 1 for the SharePoint Foundation database
Create a new SQL Server Reporting Services Instance (Cannot be shared with SCOM) Create and Configure Service Accounts Create standard service accounts in Active Directory clip_image002[8] We'll also need a service account for the self-service portal, you can go ahead and create it now or do it later. clip_image003[8] Add the users as Administrators on the servers that will become management servers Repeat on both servers clip_image004[8] Install Management Server Pre-requisites
Install on both servers
  1. Install Management Server Pre-reqs
    1. .Net 3.5
  1. SQL Native Client
  2. Analysis Objects
  3. Microsoft Report Viewer Redistributable
Install First Management Server clip_image006[17] clip_image007[20] clip_image008[20] clip_image009[14] clip_image010[8] clip_image011[8] clip_image012[8] clip_image013[8] clip_image014[14] clip_image015[14] clip_image016[8] The next step can take some time to complete, which includes the install process. clip_image017[8] Backup the Encryption Key clip_image018[14] clip_image019[14] Backup locally, then move to a FS Cluster for safe keeping. Make sure the path exists for safe keeping. clip_image020[14] clip_image021[14] clip_image022[14] Install Second Management Server clip_image006[18] clip_image007[21] clip_image008[21] clip_image009[15] clip_image023[8] clip_image024[8] clip_image025[8] clip_image014[15] clip_image015[15] clip_image026[8] clip_image027[8] Backup the Encryption Key clip_image018[15] clip_image019[15] Backup locally, then move to a FS Cluster for safe keeping. Make sure the path exists for safe keeping. clip_image020[15] clip_image021[15] clip_image022[15] Install First SharePoint Server Install SharePoint Foundation Run the prerequisite installer. You may find that you need to run it twice or more for it to succeed. If you do not have an internet connection for your SharePoint servers, you are going to need to do this manually. clip_image028[8] clip_image029[8] clip_image030[8] This is the error I'm referring to, just re-run the prerequisite installer. clip_image031[8] clip_image032[8] You will want to restart after installing the prerequisites. Now you can proceed with the installation of SharePoint Foundation. clip_image033[8] clip_image034[8] clip_image035[8] clip_image036[8] clip_image037[8] clip_image038[8] clip_image039[8] clip_image040[8] clip_image041[8] clip_image042[8] clip_image043[8] clip_image044[8] clip_image045[8] Central Administration will be launched. clip_image046[8] I'm going to pick the CEIP options and then leave the farm configuration for now and move onto the Web Portal installation. First off, I want the Service Manager Self-Service Portal to use port 80, so I am going to change the default IIS Website port, then move onto the installation of the Web Portal. clip_image047[8] Install System Web Content Server and Portal Install .Net 4.0 before proceeding clip_image048[14] clip_image049[8] clip_image050[14] clip_image051[14] clip_image052[8] clip_image053[14] clip_image054[14] clip_image055[8] You can see in the screenshot below, I am able to select port 80 for the client facing Service Manager Portal, which is ideal. This is possible because I have selected a different port for the default website. clip_image056[8] clip_image057[14] clip_image058[20] clip_image059[14] clip_image060[8] clip_image061[8] Install Second SharePoint Server Install SharePoint Foundation Run the prerequisite installer on the second server. This process is identical to the first server so I won't detail it here. You will want to restart after installing the prerequisites. The process for installing SharePoint is identical to the first server. The configuration process is a little different because you are joining the server to an existing farm, starting with the step shown below: clip_image062[8] clip_image063[8] clip_image064[8] clip_image065[8] clip_image066[8] Install Web Content Server and Portal On the second server, you will only be installing the Web Content server, because the portal has already been deployed to the first server, there is no need to deploy it again to this server. clip_image048[15] clip_image067[8] clip_image050[15] clip_image051[15] clip_image068[8] clip_image053[15] clip_image054[15] clip_image057[15] clip_image058[21] clip_image069[8] Update the Web Content Server URL on the second server to point to its self by editing the web.config (See below). clip_image070[8] Install SQL Server Reporting Services clip_image071[8] I'm going to skip most of the Next, Next, steps here for the sake of brevity. clip_image072[8] clip_image073[8] clip_image074[8] clip_image075[8] clip_image076[8] clip_image077[8] clip_image078[8] clip_image079[8] Configure SQL Server Reporting Services clip_image080[8] clip_image081[8] clip_image082[8] clip_image083[8] clip_image084[8] clip_image085[8] clip_image086[8] clip_image087[8] clip_image088[8] clip_image089[8] clip_image090[8]  Complete the manual steps I won't document it here, but you also need to complete the following steps on a remote SSRS instance: http://technet.microsoft.com/en-us/library/hh519664.aspx Install Service Manager Data Warehouse Management Server Install the Pre-requisites
  • Install the .Net Framework 3.5.1
  • Install the SQL Server Native Client
  • Install the SQL Server Analysis Objects
  • Ensure the Service Manager service account is a member of the Administrators group on the server
clip_image092[8] Install the Data Warehouse Management Server clip_image093[8] clip_image007[22] clip_image008[22] clip_image094[8] clip_image095[8] clip_image096[8] clip_image097[8] clip_image098[8] clip_image099[8] clip_image100[8] clip_image101[8] clip_image102[8] clip_image103[8] clip_image104[8] clip_image058[22] clip_image059[15] clip_image105[8] clip_image106[8] Configure Data Warehouse connection clip_image107[8] clip_image108[8] clip_image109[8] clip_image110[8] clip_image111[8] clip_image112[8] Alright, that sums up the installation steps. Next, you’ll want to configure Load-balancing, that is specific to your Load Balancer. If you are using Windows Load Balancing, add a second NIC, enable NIC spoofing on the VM and install and configure NLB. If you’d like me to blog this process, hit me up on twitter or in the comments below.
Next, we move onto Upgrading System Center. Because I don’t have an older version of System Center to upgrade, the next section will mostly just outline the processes.

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