Configuring Windows 2008 Server Core
Manage users and passwords:
- View users: net user
- Change password: net user <username> *
- Add local administrators: net localgroup administrators /add <domainname>\<username>
- View IP: Ipconfig /all
- View interfaces: netsh interface ipv4 show interfaces
- Set IP address: netsh interface ipv4 set address "<conn name>" static <ip> <subnet> <gateway>Set
- DNS servers: netsh interface ipv4 add dnsservers "<conn name>" <address> index=<1,2>
- View: hostname
- Change: netdom renamecomputer <current name> /NewName:<new name></new></current>
- Join a domain: netdom join <computer name> /domain:<domain> /userD:<domain admin> /passwordD:<admin pw> | or * (to request)
- Use /userO: and /passwordO: to specify credentials for the computer if the current user isn't a local administrator</admin></domain></domain>
- Leave a domain: netdom remove
- Shutdown: shutdown /s /t 0Restart: shutdown /r /t 0
- /t 0 removes the restart timeout and annoying prompt
- Enable remote access through firewall: netsh advfirewall firewall set rule group="Remote Administration" new enable="yes"
- Enable remote firewall management: netsh advfirewall set currentprofile settings remote management enable
- Enable Windows remote shell: WinRM quickconfig
- Add product key: slmgr.vbs /ipk <product></product>
- Add product key remotely: cscript c:\windows\system32\slmgr.vbs <computername> <username> <password> /ipk <product></product>
- Activate: slmgr.vbs /atoDisplay license info: slmgr.vbs /dli
- Date Time: control timedate.cpl
- Regional Settings: control intl.cpl