70-270 Exam - The Result
After having my 70-291 exam rescheduled at the last minute today was the day for me to sit my 70-270 exam. During my study I created 15 pages of notes (which anyone can have if they ask me). I had been getting fairly high results on my practice exams, high 70's and mid 80's so I thought I had a good chance of passing. My nearest testing centre is in Brisbane (which is about 2 1/2 hours away). I always drive to a train station and train into the city (because I hate traffic). I arrived at the testing centre early (as always) and started my exam. The exam was over very quickly, I knew most of the answers without a problem and the other questions I marked the best answer and marked the it for review. I finished the exam and then reviewed the marked questions.
I scored 93% (936)!
In two weeks I sit my 70-291 exam again. Wish me luck!
I scored 93% (936)!
In two weeks I sit my 70-291 exam again. Wish me luck!