Yahoo! Answers
I'm declaring my new found love of Yahoo! Answers. There I did it. Yahoo! Answers is a website that allows you to ask and answer questions. It's all based around points, you need 5 points to ask a question, you get 2 points for an answer, and you get 10 points for a "best answer". Luckily you start with 100 points, so you can start asking questions right away. I asked a question about my Garden. I didn't get any good answers but that's life. I answered a few questions and 4 of my answers have been selected as best answers already. Here are the questions I answered the best:
- How to change ur password on facebook??????????/?
- My computer crashes when on desktop?
- Can my wirelss internet connetion to my ps3 be disrupted in any way???
- Is there some way to take a video of what is going on-screen on your computer using Windows?